

Repair Rates
Estimate $35.00
Priority Estimate $60.00
Standard Bench Fee $75.00/Hour
Priority Bench Fee $90.00/Hour
On-Site Service $98.00/Hour
Remote Support $75.00/Hour
QuickBooks Rates
Software Install and Set-Up $98.00/Hour
Training $50.00/Hour
Web-Site Rates
Web-Site Maintenance $75.00/Hour
Basic Business Web Site $800 – $1,800

Computers are serviced in a first come first serve basis on the bench.  We do our best to service all computers as promptly as possible but we want it to leave our shop working to the best of it’s ability so we take our time to do the job right.  Priority service is available upon request which means the computer moves to the front of the line for service whenever possible.

QPC sells Noblis desktop computers.  They are built at our vendor in when they are ordered to clients specifications.  All of our desktops’s come with a 3 year parts and 1 year labor warranty. They are quality systems that are designed to be put in a corporate environment so they have to be reliable.  If your business computer is not operational you don’t make money and that looks bad on us so we do everything in our power to provide our customers with the highest quality product.  If you are a home user you get the same quality systems with the same dependability.

We sell two different brands of laptops, Acer and Noblis. Both are quality products. The Acer laptops come standard with a 1 or 3 year warranty and the Noblis has warranty options from 1 year to a total replacement for 3 years.